Speed up your metabolism

Have you ever noticed that as you get older, it gets harder to stay in shape?

In my early 20s, it was easy to lose a few centimetres of body fat. Now 10 years later, it takes just a little more effort to keep those centimetres at bay.
When it comes to fat loss, we’re talking about metabolism. In other words, the amount of energy (kilojoules) our body needs to maintain normal day to day functions like breathing, digestion, circulation, temperature and tissue repair. Our metabolic rate is the speed at which our body burns these kilojoules. Some of us are born with fast and efficient metabolisms, whilst others have sluggish ones. The important thing to remember is that no matter which type you have, it can always be controlled by managing your lifestyle and what you eat.

speeding things up
If you want a faaster metabolic rte, you should always eat a good breakfast. Your metabolism is higher in the mornings and slower later on, so it makes good sense to spread your kilojoule intake throughout the day rather than eating one huge meal at night as so many of us do.
Believe it or not, eating four or five small, healthy meals a day will keep your metabolic rate up. But make sure you eat medium to low GI (glycemic index) foods.
Glycaemic index is simply a ranking of foods according to their immediate effect on blood sugar levels. Eating lower GI foods will keep your blood sugars stable and leave you feeling satisfied for longer. Lower GI foods to include are foods such as beans and pulses, fruits such as apples, pears, berries, oranges, kiwi fruit, peaches and figs and most vegetables, including mushrooms, green beans, capsicum, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and salads.
Other foods to include are low-fat and low-sugar plain yoghurt, pasta, noodles, bran and oats. And by drizzling a little citrus (lemon, lime, grapefruit) or vinegar on to your foods you can lower the GI by as much as 30 per cent.
Some studies claim that certain foods can raise your metabolic rate and promote fat burning. Capsicum, green tea, hot chillies and hot mustard are claimed to be great metabolism boosters, as well as flaxseed which is important for efficiency.

magic ingredients
The vitamin C in fruits and veg such as berries, citrus, kiwi, broccoli, cabbage, capsicum, melon, mango, red cherries and red grapes, also stimulate the production of an amino acid called carnitine that helps with fat metabolism. Calcium is also great for releasing hormones that break down fat; good sources include low-fat skim milk, cottage cheese, ricotta and yoghurt. Other sources include tinned salmon and sardines (include eating the soft bones), calcium fortified soy milks, juices, broccoli, bok choy, kidney beans, seeds and nuts.
What you must never do is starve yourself to lose weight. This will only slow your metabolism more and when you start to increase your food intake you’ll end up weighing more than you did at the start.
But remember, too, it’s not about watching the scales. It’s body fat we’re worried about not weight, as muscle weighs about four times more than fat.
Also be sure to keep hydrated with lots of water to keep your energy levels up and keep you from picking at food when you’re not hungry.
OK, now your food intake is sorted, it’s time to introduce that other great metabolism booster, exercise. It can boost your metabolism by 10 to 25 per cent up to 12 to 14 hours after a vigorous workout.
Exercising first thing in the morning before breakfast will result in a greater proportion of fat being used as fuel. This is partly due to our glycogen stores being partially depleted throughout the night. Exercise intensity is also important the fitter you become, as exercising at a higher intensity will deplete your glycogen stores at a faster rate and in turn encourage your body to use a higher percentage of fat. So forget the sleep in because this is the perfect time to put on your joggers and move. Weight training is also an important factor in increasing metabolic rate and one of the best ways to encourage your body to use more fat as fuel. Every kg of muscle burns 420 kilojoules per day compared to one kilogram of fat which burns only 17 kilojoules. So, now you have all the info, try these metabolism-boosting recipes.

The Dangers of Excess Body Fat

Most people’s primary motivation for weight management is to improve their appearance. Equally important, however, are the many other benefits of proper nutrition and regular exercise.

Weight management through reduction of excess body fat plays a vital role in maintaining good health and fighting disease. In fact, medical evidence shows that obesity poses a major threat to health and longevity. (The most common definition of obesity is more than 25 percent body fat for men and more than 32 percent for women.) An estimated one in three Americans has some excess body fat; an estimated 20 percent are obese.

Excess body fat is linked to major physical threats like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. (Three out of four Americans die of either heart disease or cancer each year; according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination survey, approximately 80 percent of those deaths are associated with life-style factors, including inactivity.)

For example, if you’re obese, it takes more energy for you to breathe because your heart has to work harder to pump blood to the lungs and to the excess fat throughout the body. This increased work load can cause your heart to become enlarged and can result in high blood pressure and life-threatening erratic heartbeats.

Obese people also tend to have high cholesterol levels, making them more prone to arteriosclerosis, a narrowing of the arteries by deposits of plaque. This becomes life-threatening when blood vessels become so narrow or blocked that vital organs like the brain, heart or kidneys are deprived of blood. Additionally, the narrowing of the blood vessels forces the heart to pump harder, and blood pressure rises. High blood pressure itself poses several health risks, including heart attack, kidney failure, and stroke. About 25 percent of all heart and blood vessel problems are associated with obesity.

Clinical studies have found a relationship between excess body fat and the incidence of cancer. By itself, body fat is thought to be a storage place for carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals) in both men and women. In women, excess body fat has been linked to a higher rate of breast and uterine cancer; in men, the threat comes from colon and prostate cancer.

There is also a delicate balance between blood sugar, body fat, and the hormone insulin. Excess blood sugar is stored in the liver and other vital organs; when the organs are “full,” the excess blood sugar is converted to fat. As fat cells themselves become full, they tend to take in less blood sugar. In some obese people, the pancreas produces more and more insulin, which the body can’t use, to regulate blood sugar levels, and the whole system becomes overwhelmed. This poor regulation of blood sugar and insulin results in diabetes, a disease with long-term consequences, including heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, amputation, and death. Excess body fat is also linked to gall bladder disease, gastro-intestinal disease, sexual dysfunction, osteoarthritiis, and stroke.

10 Ways to Keep Your Fitness Plan on Track During the Holidays

The average American does a little too much celebrating at this time of year. Between Thanksgiving and the New Year, most of us will gain seven pounds as a result of indulging in extra helpings, snacking on holiday treats, having an extra glass of wine and exercising less.

Life Time Fitness, Inc., a Healthy Way of Life company that operates 30 multi-purpose, state-of-the-art Sports, Fitness and Recreational Centers in eight national markets — Minnesota, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Virginia, Arizona, and Texas — has set the industry standard in providing consumers with the absolute finest in sports and fitness centers

“This is an especially challenging time of year for those who are trying to maintain healthy habits such as working out and eating low-fat, low-calorie foods,” says Jeff Zwiefel, vice president of the nutritional products division at Life Time Fitness. “We’re constantly urged to have another helping, enjoy a holiday treat or skip the workout to go shopping instead. No wonder nearly everyone gains weight,” he points out.

But complete deprivation is not the answer. “The holidays are meant to be enjoyed,” Zwiefel says. “At Life Time Fitness, we think it’s possible to balance healthy habits with enjoying special gatherings and traditions. We encourage balance and moderation in all areas of your life,” he says.<

Here are 10 great tips, courtesy of Zwiefel, for staying fit and eating well over the holidays.

  1.  Drink lots of water throughout the day. It suppresses the appetite and is something everyone should do year round.
  2.  Snack on fruits, vegetables and high-fiber foods whenever possible. Dried fruits are healthy and a good alternative to many sweet snacks such as cookies and candy.
  3.  Limit alcohol consumption. Remember that alcohol contains almost as many calories per gram as fat. Alternate alcoholic drinks with water or club soda while you’re at a party.
  4.  Enjoy the outdoors as much as possible: bundle up and take the dog for a walk, and try skating or sledding; squeeze 10-minute walks into your schedule. Any extra activity helps.
  5.  Health and fitness centers offer a combination of cardio and resistance-training opportunities, as well as group fitness classes and personal training, that are essential to maintaining a healthy way of life. If you’re thinking about joining a fitness center, fall is a great time to sign up.
  6.  Acknowledge that you’re probably going to miss some workouts during this time and plan now to work around it. Schedule different times or substitute another activity, even if it’s at home.
  7.  Eat a nutritious meal or snack before you attend events or parties where there is a lot of food, or use a small plate to avoid overindulging. Another good tip is to leave at a reasonable hour. In addition to helping you get enough sleep during this hectic time of year, you’ll also be removing yourself from the temptation to continue eating unnecessary calories.
  8.  For the 9 out of 10 adults who do not get the essential daily vitamins and nutrients from the food they eat, nutritional supplements should be considered. Life Time Fitness offers a full line of nutritional products, including men’s and women’s multivitamins, energy bars and shakes and weight-loss supplements.
  9.  Enlist the help of a family member or friend to help keep you on track with healthy habits during the holidays. Choose someone who can provide not only encouragement, but a good example as well.
  10. Remember that balance, variety and moderation apply to holiday celebrations as well as to most other things in life, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up. Keep your good intentions, spend time with family and friends and enjoy the holidays.

For more information about Life Time Fitness centers and nutritional products, please visit www.lifetimefitness.com.

Courtesy of ARA Content

Health must be Earned and Learned

The after 50 set back that occurs in many people is due to improper diet. Once you past the age of 50, you must begin to rebuild your body — if you wish to avoid senility and retain sound mentality and physical vigor. As long as you supply the body with the materials it needs to rebuilt and repair cells you will have good health.

Re-examine your dietary habits — make sure your daily intake of food is nutritional. Slowly eliminate processed food (which is white flour and their products, french fries, cake, cookies etc.) and sugar from your eating habits. Now, you might say what’s left? There are many natural foods that are super in nutritional value and will do wonders for your muscle size and overall shape. It’s time you began to build a knowledge and understanding for good nutrition while you build your body. Be aware of the vitamins, minerals in food and what fantastic things these foods can do for you and your body.

Protein is the bodybuilding substance needed to form new tissues and cells and rebuild and repair old one. Your blood, tissues, organs, skin, hair, and nails are about 95% protein, along with your bones and nerves. Meat, fish, eggs and poultry are known as complete proteins. Others include soybeans, sunflower seeds, and peanuts. 60% of protein consumed is changed into sugar (glucose), that’s why sugar is completely unnecessary in your bodybuilding diet.

2/3 of your diet should be protein — the other third should be made up of fresh raw fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Liver is the most effective source of complete protein. It’s the number on food that not only builds your body up, but greatly increases your energy. It relieves fatigue and neutralizes many dangerous drugs within your system.

Fat produces an energy reserve, slows down the rate at which food is digested and is a source of heat and energy, and a cushion for vital organs. Fish is practically a perfect food. It’s excellent source of high quality protein, vitamins and minerals. Eggs, are another superior protein food, 1-2 a day are recommended for everyone. They supply a full measure of minerals. True, they do contain cholesterol, but they are an excellent source of lecithin, inositol and many other effective cholesterol controlling agents. Powdered milk is outstanding because it consist of an abundance of fat free protein, vitamins and minerals. It’s known to rejuvenate the heart, brain, and verves and strengthens the failing body.

Natural carbohydrates invigorates the body and supplies is with warmth and vitality. The potato is not to be eliminated from your bodybuilding diet. It’s a vegetable and contains many nutritional elements and it’s very easily digestible. Honey is in the blood stream 20 minutes after eaten. It’s the best heart stimulant you can use. Honey has much greater advantage over sugar. It fills any void that may occur in the daily intake.

Here are the 4 fine qualities of honey:

a wholesome food

it’s a purifying cleanser

it has regenerative power

it’s a sweet that has natural laxative qualities

REMEMBER: It is not how much you eat — it’s what happens to the food after you have eaten it. Eating large quantities of food will not help your muscle building progress it it’s the wrong food!!

The facts about the Atkins Diet and 10 untruths

Low carbohydrate diets such as Atkins have always been controversial, but with the recent wave of new research and publicity, the controversy is now raging hotter than ever. One headline in the San Francisco Chronicle said that the battle between the low and high carbers had become so heated since mid 2002 that “Knives had been drawn.”

From my vantage point (as a health and fitness professional down in the trenches), it looks more like tanks, artillery and machine guns have been drawn! Tragically, the people being hurt the most by these “diet wars” are not the experts, but the dieters.

After its original publication in 1972, The Atkins Diet was regurgitated in 1992 as “Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution,” creating a new surge of interest in low carbohydrate dieting. Then, in July of 2002, the controversy reached an all time high when the New York Times Magazine published an essay by Gary Taubes titled, “What if it’s all been a big fat lie?” The article suggested that new research was now proving the late Dr. Atkins had been right all along.

More research in 2003 seemed to corroborate the Taubes story: Two studies in the New England Journal of Medicine in May of 2003, and another in June 2003 in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, suggested that Atkins was equally, if not more effective for weight loss than conventional diets – at least in the short term.

With the publication of this new information, Atkins supporters boasted, “See, I told you so,” while their opponents fired back in defense of their high carb, low fat positions. Meanwhile, low carb foods and supplements became all the rage, bread and pasta sales took a nosedive and the wheat industry cried the blues.

With differences in opinion as opposite as the North and South Poles, it’s become unbearably confusing and frustrating to know which weight loss method is best and safest. At the date of this writing, in late 2003, obesity has reached an all time high –AGAIN! According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, 64% of Americans are overweight and 31% are obese, and it’s only getting worse.

Obviously, the popular weight loss methods today – including the low carb diet – are still missing something…but what?

If you’re confused by the whole high carb, low carb thing and if you’re frustrated with your attempts at trying to lose weight and keep it off, then this may be the most important report you will ever read. In the next few minutes, you’ll discover the real truth about low carb diets and a real solution to the problem of excess body fat. Read on to learn the 10 Lies about the Atkins diet and the truth that will set your body free!